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sandeyes13's avatar




I am indeed alive and creating art!

Sorry for the absence, I've just come out of my very last term (ever!) of high school, where we have been really, really scrambling to get prepared for diplomas, most of which I am currently waiting to write.

I created some pieces for the Robert Bateman "Get to Know" contest, both of which featured whitetail deer. This was the second (and in my opinion, the best) of the two pieces, done in acrylic on 8 x 11 inch canvas board. Lol yup, another token night time starry piece, because I just totally love making stars and painting black on black XD

I'd post my other piece, a watercolour of deer in winter, however, it managed to get me into a finalist position, so although I have its scan on my computer, I prolly won't upload it here until I know that they'll be okay with it.

Haha, fingers crossed that the watercolour does something, although, just making it to the finalist spot is a feat in itself, considering I'm competing against some very highly skilled (and fantastically more talented artists than myself) artists from all over Canada.

Hope you guys like the fawn almost as much as I do, I think I'm going to keep this one for myself, I really like the grass XD

Image © =sandeyes13 (
References gathered from photos of a small fawn we stumbled across a few years ago (and since have named Whisper), as well as from photos Oreo, when he was a calf....

Not for unauthorized redistribution, sale or personal use by anyone without my written permission or consent.
Image size
1586x1987px 7.85 MB
© 2011 - 2024 sandeyes13
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BloopyPugs's avatar
That's a brilliant painting! :)
The composition works well with the fawn in the lower left corner and all the empty space around it.
There's also something somewhat sad about it, with the fawn being all alone at night.
Night time scenes are always the most fun to paint!